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Producer Price Indexes

NAICS to SIC Concordance

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NAICS IndustryNAICS ProductNAICS TitleSIC Product
333111333111Farm machinery & equipment mfg3523
333111PPrimary products3523P
3331111Farm-type wheel tractors (2 & 4 wheel drive)(sold with or without attachments)35231
3331113Farm dairy eq., sprayers & dusters, farm elevators, farm blowers, & att35232
3331117Planting, seeding, & fertilizing machinery & attachments, exc. turf machinery35233
3331119Harvesting machinery (except hay and straw) and attachments35235
333111AHaying machinery and attachments35236
333111CParts for farm machinery, for sale separately35239
333111EFarm plows, harrows, rollers, pulverizers, and cultivators3523C
333111GAll other farm machinery & equipment, excluding parts, but including attachments35238
333111JCommercial turf and grounds care equipment, including parts and attachments3523A
333111SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts3523SM
333111MMiscellaneous receipts3523M
333111SSecondary products3523S
333112333112Lawn & garden equipment mfg3524
333112PPrimary products3524P
3331121Consumer nonriding lawn, garden, and snow equipment35241
3331123Consumer riding lawn, garden, and snow equipment35244
3331127Parts and attachments for consumer lawn, garden, and snow equipment35246
333112SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts3524SM
333112MMiscellaneous receipts3524M
333112SSecondary products3524S
333120333120Construction machinery mfg3531
333120PPrimary products3531P
3331201Power cranes, dozers, tractors, off-hwy trucks, mixers, pavers, backhoes, etc.
33312011Power cranes, draglines, shovels (including surface mining equip.)(exc parts)3531E
33312012Mixers, pavers, and related equipment (excluding parts)3531F
33312013Off-highway trucks, haulers, truck-type tractor chassis, trailers, excl. parts
33312014Tractor shovel loaders (skid steer, wheel, crawler, & integral design backhoe)3531C
33312015Construction wheel & crawler tractors, dozers, & self-propelled log skidders
33312016Graders , rollers & compactors, forklifts, scrapers, trenchers, excl parts
33312017Attach. for tractors & other equip. (exc parts, winches, snow clearing attach.)3531D
3331208Other construction machinery and equipment (excluding parts)
3331209Parts for construction machinery and equipment, sold separately3531K
333120SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts3531SM
333120MMiscellaneous receipts3531M
333120SSecondary products3531S
333131333131Mining machinery & equipment mfg3532
333131PPrimary products3532P
3331311Underground mining machinery (except parts sold separately)35325
3331313Mineral processing & beneficiation machinery (except parts sold separately)35326
3331315Crushing, pulverizing & screening machinery (except parts sold separately)35327
3331317Drills and other mining machinery, nec (except parts sold separately)35328
3331319Parts and attachments for mining machinery and equipment (sold separately)35329
333131SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts3532SM
333131MMiscellaneous receipts3532M
333131SSecondary products3532S
333132333132Oil & gas field machinery & equipment mfg3533
333132PPrimary products3533P
3331321Rotary oil field and gas field drilling machinery and parts35331
33313211Rotary drilling surface equipment353311
333132112Drawworks and accessories3533112
333132115Elevators, spiders, slips, hooks, links, connectors3533115
333132117Well control equipment (blow-out preventers)3533117
333132121Other rotary dril. surface equip.,incl Kelly joints,rotary tables,crown/trav.bl3533121
33313214Rotary drilling subsurface equipment353314
33313214101Tungsten-carbide insert bits353314101
33313214102Steel-toothed bits353314102
33313214103Other bits, including diamond bits353314103
333132144Tool joints, subs, and connectors3533144
333132145Drill collars3533145
333132146Reamers and stabilizers3533146
333132149Other subsurface dril. equip., incl fishing tools, subsea risers, coring equip3533149
33313216Parts for rotary drilling equipment, sold separately, except for drilling rigs353316
3331322Other oil and gas field drilling machinery and equipment and parts35332
333132253Cementing, floating, guiding, and shoe equipment3533253
333132261Parts for other oil and gas field drilling equipment, sold separately3533261
333132296Other oil and gas field drilling equipment, incl. cable tool drilling machinery3533296
3331323Oil field and gas field production machinery and equipment35333
33313231Surface, subsurface, and subsea production well equipment353331
333132311Christmas tree assemblies3533311
333132313Casing and tubing heads and supports3533313
333132317Chokes, manifolds, and accessories3533317
333132319Rodless oil lifting machinery and equipment, except pumps3533319
33313235Rod lifting machinery and equipment (surface and subsurface)353335
333132354Pumping units and other surface rod lifting equipment3533354
333132357Sucker rods (subsurface rod lifting equipment), except pumps3533357
333132362Permanent packers and accessories3533362
333132363Retrievable packers and accessories3533363
333132365Screens, tubing, and anchor catchers3533365
333132371Separating, metering, and treating equipment for oil and gas (located on well site)3533371
333132382Parts for oil and gas field production machinery and tools, sold separately3533382
333132398Other oil field and gas field production machinery and tools3533398
3331325Drilling rigs35335
333132522Rotary wheel-mounted drilling and well-servicing rigs3533522
333132534Rotary blast-hole drilling rigs3533534
333132546Construction drills3533546
333132558Other portable drilling rigs, incl workover, cable tool, reverse circulation3533558
333132578Parts for portable drilling rigs used on the surface (above ground)3533578
3331329Oil field and gas field derricks and well surveying machinery35339
333132921Derricks, oil and gas field, substructures, and accessories (regular & portable)3533921
333132931Well surveying machinery and equipment3533931
333132SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts3533SM
333132MMiscellaneous receipts3533M
333132SSecondary products3533S
333210333210Sawmill & woodworking machinery mfg3553
333210PPrimary products3553P
3332101Woodworking machinery including parts, excluding home workshop types35531
333210112Sawmill equipment3553112
333210118Veneer, plywood, particleboard, and hardboard-making equipment3553118
333210121Assembling, gluing, laminating, and finishing machines3553121
333210162Sawing machines, except sawmill equipment3553162
333210173Straight-line machinery, including jointers, moulders, planers, sanders, surfacers, etc.3553173
333210175Boring machinery, carving machinery, dovetailers, mortisers, routers, shapers, and tenoners3553175
333210197Other woodworking machinery, including lathes, clamping machinery, presses, roll coaters, etc.3553197
333210199Parts, attachments, and accessories, excluding saw blades and cutting tools3553199
3332102Woodworking machinery designed primarily for home workshops, incl. parts35532
333210221Saws, including circular3553221
333210298Other woodworking machinery for home workshops, incl. lathes, drilling machines, etc.3553298
333210299Parts, attachments, and accessories for home workshop machinery3553299
333210SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts3553SM
333210MMiscellaneous receipts3553M
333210SSecondary products3553S
333220333220Plastics & rubber industry machinery mfg
333220PPrimary products
3332201Plastics working machinery and equipment, excluding patterns and molds35593
3332203Rubber working machinery and equipment, excluding tire molds35594
333220SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts
333220MMiscellaneous receipts
333220SSecondary products
333291333291Paper industry machinery mfg3554
333291PPrimary products3554P
3332911Paper industries machinery35541
3332913Parts and attachments for paper industries machinery35543
333291SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts3554SM
333291MMiscellaneous receipts3554M
333291SSecondary products3554S
333292333292Textile machinery mfg3552
333292PPrimary products3552P
3332921Textile machinery, except parts and attachments35521
3332921AFabrics machinery35521A
3332921111Fabrics machinery35521111
3332921BFiber-to-fabrics textile machinery35521B
333292151Winding machinery3552151
333292154Other fiber-to-fabrics machinery3552154
3332921COther textile machinery35521C
333292185Bleaching, dyeing, and finishing machinery3552185
333292187Machinery for drying stocks, yarn, and cloth3552187
333292199Other textile machinery3552199
3332922Parts and attachments for textile machinery35522
333292211Textile machinery turnings and shapes3552211
333292232Parts and attachments for fiber-to-fabrics machinery3552232
333292241Parts and attachments for power looms3552241
333292271Parts and attachments for bleaching, dyeing and finishing machinery3552271
333292299Parts and attachments for other textile machinery, including printing3552299
333292SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts3552SM
333292MMiscellaneous receipts3552M
333292SSecondary products3552S
333293333293Printing machinery & equipment mfg3555
333293PPrimary products3555P
3332931Printing presses, offset lithographic35551
3332932Printing presses, other than lithographic35552
3332933Typesetting machinery and equipment, excluding justifying typewriters35553
3332936Binding machinery and equipment35556
3332937Printing trades machinery, n.e.c.35557
333293779Other printing machinery and equipment, incl. pre-press preparation equipment3555779
333293791Parts, attachments, and accessories for printing trades machinery3555791
333293SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts3555SM
333293MMiscellaneous receipts3555M
333293SSecondary products3555S
333294333294Food product machinery mfg3556
333294PPrimary products3556P
3332941Dairy and milk products plant machinery35561
3332943Commercial food products machinery35562
3332945Industrial food products machinery35563
333294SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts3556SM
333294MMiscellaneous receipts3556M
333294SSecondary products3556S
333295333295Semiconductor machinery mfg
333295PPrimary products
3332951Semiconductor machinery manufacturing35596
333295SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts
333295MMiscellaneous receipts
333295SSecondary products
333298333298All other industrial machinery mfg
333298PPrimary products
3332981Chemical manufacturing machinery, equipment, and parts35591
3332985Printed circuit board manufacturing machinery, except testing3559A
3332987Special industry machinery & equipment, nec35599
333298SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts
333298MMiscellaneous receipts
333298SSecondary products
333311333311Automatic vending machine mfg3581
333311PPrimary products3581P
3333111Automatic merchandising machines, coin-operated, excluding parts35811
33331111Vending machines for beverages358111
33331115Other vending machines, excluding beverage machines358115
3333112Coin-operated mechanisms and other parts for automatic merchandising machines35812
333311SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts3581SM
333311MMiscellaneous receipts3581M
333311SSecondary products3581S
333312333312Commercial laundry, dry-cleaning, & pressing machine mfg3582
333312PPrimary products3582P
3333121Commercial laundry, dry-cleaning, & pressing machine mfg35829
333312SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts3582SM
333312MMiscellaneous receipts3582M
333312SSecondary products3582S
333313333313Office machinery mfg3579
333313PPrimary products3579P
3333131Automatic typing and word processing machines, including parts and attachments35792
3333134Calculating and accounting machines, except point-of-sales terminals
3333137Duplicating machines, except parts and attachments35791
333313AMailing, letter handling, and addressing machines, except parts and attachments35795
333313DTypewriters, dictating, transcribing and recording machines, n.e.c.
333313GParts and attachments for calculating and accounting machines
333313JParts and attachments for standard typewriters and recording machines, n.e.c.
333313SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts3579SM
333313MMiscellaneous receipts3579M
333313SSecondary products3579S
333314333314Optical instrument and lens mfg3827
333314PPrimary products3827P
3333141Sighting, tracking and fire-control equipment38271
3333145Optical instruments and lenses, n.e.c.38275
33331451Binoculars and astronomical instruments382751
33331452Other optical instruments and lenses (excl. sighting, tracking, and fire-control382752
333314SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts3827SM
333314MMiscellaneous receipts3827M
333314SSecondary products3827S
333315333315Photographic & photocopying equipment mfg
333315PPrimary products
3333151Photographic and photocopying equipment
333315SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts
333315MMiscellaneous receipts
333315SSecondary products
333319333319Other commercial & service industry machinery mfg3589
333319PPrimary products3589P
3333191Commercial cooking & food warming equipment, incl. parts & attachments35891
3333193Commercial & industrial vacuum cleaners, incl. parts & attachments35893
3333195Automotive maintenance equipment, except handtools35597
3333197Electronic teaching machines, teaching aids, trainers, & simulators, incl. kits36991
3333199Miscellaneous machinery products, except electrical35892
333319SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts3589SM
333319MMiscellaneous receipts3589M
333319SSecondary products3589S
333411333411Air purification equipment mfg
333411PPrimary products
3334111Dust collection & other air purification equip. for indust. gas cleaning systems35646
3334113Dust collection & other air purification equip & parts for cleaning incoming air35645
333411SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts
333411MMiscellaneous receipts
333411SSecondary products
333412333412Industrial & commercial fan & blower mfg
333412PPrimary products
3334121Industrial & commercial fan & blower mfg
333412SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts
333412MMiscellaneous receipts
333412SSecondary products
333414333414Heating equipment (except warm air furnaces) mfg3433
333414PPrimary products3433P
3334144Domestic heating stoves34334
3334145Steel heating boilers34335
333414AFloor and wall furnaces, heaters, stokers, and related parts3433A
333414BOther heating equipment, exc. electric, incl. parts for nonelectric heating3433B
333414CCast iron heating boilers, radiators, and convectors3433C
333414SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts3433SM
333414MMiscellaneous receipts3433M
333414SSecondary products3433S
333415333415AC & warm air heating & commercial refrigeration equipment mfg3585
333415PPrimary products3585P
3334151Heat transfer equipment (except electrically operated dehumidifiers)
3334153Commercial refrigerators and related equipment35853
3334155Refrigeration condensing units, all refrigerants, except amonia35855
3334156Room air conditioners and dehumidifiers, except portable dehumidifiers35856
3334159Refrigeration and air conditioning equipment, nec35859
333415ACompressors and compressor units, all refrigerants, except automotives
333415CWarm air furnaces incl. duct furn. & dehumidifiers, & elec. comfort heating eq3585C
333415DParts and accessories for air conditioning and heat transfer equipment3585D
333415EUnitary air conditioners, except air source heat pumps35852
333415FAir source heat pumps, except room air conditioners
333415GGround and ground water source heat pumps
333415SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts3585SM
333415MMiscellaneous receipts3585M
333415SSecondary products3585S
333511333511Industrial mold mfg
333511PIndustrial molds and mold boxes
3335111Industrial molds and mold boxes35445
333511SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts
333511MMiscellaneous receipts
333511SSecondary products
333512333512Machine tool (metal cutting types) mfg3541
333512PPrimary products3541P
3335122Metal grinding, polishing, buffing, honing, & lapping machines, exc gear-tooth35414
3335123Metal lathes (turning machines) numerically & nonnumerically controlled35415
3335124Metal milling machines (excluding machining centers)35416
3335126Parts for metal cutting machine tools (sold separately) & rebuilt machine tools35419
3335127Metal machining centers (multifunction numerically controlled machines)3541B
3335128Metal station type machines3541C
3335129Other metal cutting machine tools (exc those designed for home workshops, etc.)3541D
333512AMetal boring machines & drilling machines (excluding machining centers)
333512SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts3541SM
333512MMiscellaneous receipts3541M
333512SSecondary products3541S
333513333513Machine tool (metal forming types) mfg3542
333513PPrimary products3542P
3335131Punching, shearing, bending, and forming machines35421
3335132Presses, except forging35422
3335133Other metal forming machine tools and forging machines35423
3335134Rebuilt metal forming machine tools and parts for metal forming machine tools35424
333513SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts3542SM
333513MMiscellaneous receipts3542M
333513SSecondary products3542S
333514333514Special die/tool, die set, jig & fixture mfg
333514PPrimary products35443
3335141Special dies and tools, die sets, jigs, and fixtures35443
33351411Jigs and fixtures, including parts354431
33351413Metalworking die and die sets354432
33351417Standard punches, industrial prototypes, die parts & other special tooling, dies354433
333514SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts
333514MMiscellaneous receipts
333514SSecondary products
333515333515Cutting tool & machine tool accessory mfg3545
333515PPrimary products3545P
3335151Small cutting tools for machine tools and metalworking machinery35451
33351512Carbon steel & high-speed steel shank twist drills for machine tools3545123
33351513Twist drills, gun drills, combined drills, countersinks, and counterbores3545124
33351514End mills and milling cutters354515
33351515Threading tools354517
33351516Blanks, tips, and inserts354518
33351517Other cutting tools, including broaches, reamers, hobs, and rotary burrs3545199
3335153Other attachments and accessories for machine tools and metalworking machinery35453
33351531Tool holders354531
33351532Work holding devices and other attachments and accessories354538
333515SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts3545SM
333515MMiscellaneous receipts3545M
333515SSecondary products3545S
333516333516Rolling mill machinery & equipment mfg3547
333516PPrimary products3547P
3335161Hot rolling mill machinery, except tube rolling35471
3335162Cold rolling mill machinery35472
3335163Rolling mill machinery, n.e.c., including tube mill machinery35473
333516SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts3547SM
333516MMiscellaneous receipts3547M
333516SSecondary products3547S
333518333518Other metalworking machinery mfg3549
333518PPrimary products3549P
3335182Assembly machines35492
333518213Transfer type assembly machines3549213
333518219Special purpose and all other types3549219
3335185Other metalworking machinery35495
333518511Machines for weaving and wire fabricating and wire drawing machines and draw benches3549511
333518541Coil handling equipment (conversion or straightening)3549541
333518598All other metalworking machinery n.e.c.3549598
333518SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts3549SM
333518MMiscellaneous receipts3549M
333518SSecondary products3549S
333611333611Turbine & turbine generator set unit mfg3511
333611PPrimary products3511P
3336113Turbine generator sets
3336114Steam, gas, and other turbines and turbine generators
3336117Parts & accessories for turbines, turbine generators, and turbine generator sets
333611SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts3511SM
333611MMiscellaneous receipts3511M
333611SSecondary products3511S
333612333612Speed changer, industrial high-speed drive, & gear mfg3566
333612PPrimary products3566P
3336123Loose gearing, including gears, pinions, racks, and worms, sold separately35664
3336127Speed changers & industrial high-speed drives, & parts other than loose gearing
333612SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts3566SM
333612MMiscellaneous receipts3566M
333612SSecondary products3566S
333613333613Mechanical power transmission equipment mfg3568
333613PPrimary products3568P
3336131Plain bearings and bushings, except automotive and aircraft35681
3336133Power transmission equipment, except speed changers, drives, and gears, n.e.c.35683
333613SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts3568SM
333613MMiscellaneous receipts3568M
333613SSecondary products3568S
333618333618Other engine equipment mfg3519
333618PPrimary products3519P
3336181Gasoline engines (except aircraft, automobile, highway truck, bus & tank)3519A
3336183Diesel, semidiesel and dual fuel engines (except automotive)35193
3336185Diesel, semidiesel, and dual-fuel engines for automobiles, trucks, and buses35194
3336187Outboard motors (including electric)35195
3336189Piston-type natural gas engines, including LPG engines (excluding gas turbines)35196
333618FParts & accessories (except aircraft and gasoline automotive engines)35199
333618SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts3519SM
333618MMiscellaneous receipts3519M
333618SSecondary products3519S
333911333911Pump & pumping equipment mfg3561
333911PPrimary products3561P
3339111Industrial pumps, except hydraulic fluid power pumps35611
3339114Domestic water systems35614
3339115Pumps n.e.c.35615
333911516Domestic sump pumps, oil-well and oil-field pumps, except boiler feed3561516
333911517Other pumps, except automotive circulating pumps, and measuring & dispensing pum3561517
3339116Parts and attachments for pumps and pumping equipment, excl. compressors35616
333911SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts3561SM
333911MMiscellaneous receipts3561M
333911SSecondary products3561S
333912333912Air & gas compressor mfg3563
333912PPrimary products3563P
3339121Air and gas compressors and vacuum pumps35631
33391211Air compressors356311
333912116Portable air compressors3563116
333912117Stationary air compressors3563117
33391212Gas compressors356312
33391213Other pumps and compressors356313
3339122Parts and attachments for air and gas compressors and vacuum pumps35632
3339125Industrial spraying equipment35635
333912SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts3563SM
333912MMiscellaneous receipts3563M
333912SSecondary products3563S
333913333913Measuring & dispensing pump mfg3586
333913PPrimary products3586P
3339134Measuring and dispensing pump manufacturing
333913SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts3586SM
333913MMiscellaneous receipts3586M
333913SSecondary products3586S
333921333921Elevator & moving stairway mfg3534
333921PPrimary products3534P
3339211Elevators and moving stairways35341
3339213Parts and attachments for elevators and moving stairways35343
333921SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts3534SM
333921MMiscellaneous receipts3534M
333921SSecondary products3534S
333922333922Conveyor & conveying equipment mfg3535
333922PPrimary products3535P
3339223Unit handling conveyors and conveying systems, except hoists and farm elevators35353
333922311Gravity conveyors (skate wheel and roller)3535311
333922312Trolley conveyors (overhead systems)3535312
333922314Powered conveyors (belt and roller)3535314
333922319All other unit handling conveyors & conveying syst., incl. pneum. tube conveyors3535319
3339224Parts and accessories for unit handling conveyors & conveying systems, sold sep35354
3339225Bulk material handling conveyors & conveying syst., exc. hoists & farm elevators35355
333922511Conveyors and elevators3535511
333922514All other bulk handling conveyors and conveying syst. incl. loading, unloading3535514
3339226Parts and accessories for bulk material handling conveyors and conveying systems35356
333922SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts3535SM
333922MMiscellaneous receipts3535M
333922SSecondary products3535S
333923333923Overhead crane, hoist & monorail system mfg
333923PPrimary products
33392311Complete hoists3536340
33392312Parts and attachments for hoists (sold separately)3536345
3339233Overhead traveling cranes and monorail systems35364
33392331Complete overhead traveling cranes and monorail systems3536420
33392333Parts and attachments for overhead traveling cranes and monorail systems3536460
3339237Winches, aerial work platforms, and automotive wrecker hoists
33392371Complete winches, aerial work platforms, and automotive wrecker hoists3531J01
33392374Parts for winches, aerial work platforms, and automobile hoists3531K01
333923SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts
333923MMiscellaneous receipts
333923SSecondary products
333924333924Industrial truck, tractor, trailer, stacker machinery mfg3537
333924PPrimary products3537P
3339241Industrial trucks and tractors, motorized and hand powered35371
333924101Work trucks w/ lifting & handling equip, riding, electric, self-propelled3537101
333924102Work trucks w/ lifting & handling equip, non-riding electric or any non-electric3537102
333924103Work trucks, not fitted with lifting and handling equipment, elec. or non elec3537103
333924104Bulk powered material moving equipment3537104
3339243Parts and attachments for industrial work trucks35373
333924SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts3537SM
333924MMiscellaneous receipts3537M
333924SSecondary products3537S
333991333991Power-driven hand tool mfg3546
333991PPrimary products3546P
3339911Power driven hand tools, electric and battery powered35461
333991112Circular saws: armature mounted primarily on sleeve bearings3546112
333991122Screwdrivers and nutrunners3546122
333991124Hammers, percussion and rotary3546124
333991125Impact wrenches3546125
333991133Planers and routers3546133
333991135Other electric powered hand tools; incl shears and nibblers, electric chain saws, hammer drill3546135
333991136Parts, attachments and accessories for electric-powered hand tools (sold separately)3546136
333991181Drills: armature mounted primarily on sleeve bearings3546181
333991181011/4 inch chuck size and under354618101
33399118103Over 1/4 inch chuck size to under 1/2 inch354618103
333991181041/2 inch chuck and over354618104
333991182Drills: armature mounted primarily on other than sleeve bearings3546182
333991182051/4 inch chuck size and under354618205
33399118207Over 1/4 inch chuck size to under 1/2 inch354618207
333991182091/2 inch chuck and over354618209
333991183Grinders, polishers, and circular sanders except bench grinders3546183
33399118326Right angle grinders, polishers, and circular sanders354618326
33399118329All other grinders and polishers, including die grinders (exclude bench)354618329
333991184Sanders, except circular3546184
33399118434Oscillating, reciprocating and vibrating354618434
333991185Circular saws: armature mounted primarily on other than sleeve bearings3546185
333991185157 inch blade and under354618515
33399118516Between 7 inch and 8 inch blade354618516
333991185178 inch blade or over354618517
333991186Saws - jig, saber, reciprocating3546186
33399118618Armature mounted primarily on ball bearings354618618
33399118619Armature mounted primarily on other than ball bearings354618619
3339912Power driven hand tools, pneumatic, hydraulic and powder actuated35462
333991237Percussion tools - pneumatic3546237
333991238Drills, screwdrivers, nutrunners-pneumatic3546238
333991241Impact wrenches - pneumatic3546241
333991242Rotary grinders, polishers, and sanders3546242
333991244Other grinders, polishers, and sanders3546244
333991248Other pneumatic powered hand tools3546248
333991253Powder actuated hand tools3546253
333991255Parts, attachments, and accessories for pneumatic handtools3546255
333991271Hydraulic chain saws, including pole3546271
333991272Other hydraulic powered hand tools3546272
333991279Parts, attachments for powder actuated and hydraulic handtools3546279
3339913Power driven hand tools, engine (internal combustion) driven35463
333991301Chain saws3546301
333991309Other, including cut-off saws and drills3546309
333991312Parts and attachments for engine driven chain saws3546312
333991314Parts and attachments for engine driven other than chain saws3546314
333991SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts3546SM
333991MMiscellaneous receipts3546M
333991SSecondary products3546S
333992333992Welding & soldering equipment mfg3548
333992PPrimary products3548P
3339921Arc welding machines, comp., & access., exc. electrodes (excl. stud welding eq.)35481
3339923Arc welding electrodes, metal35482
3339927Resistance welders, components, accessories, and electrodes35483
3339929Gas welding and cutting equipment, parts, attachments, and accessories35484
333992AOther welding equip., components, and accessories (exc. arc, resistance, & gas)35485
333992SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts3548SM
333992MMiscellaneous receipts3548M
333992SSecondary products3548S
333993333993Packaging machinery mfg3565
333993PPrimary products3565P
3339933Packing, packaging and bottling machinery, excluding parts35653
333993331Filling machinery3565331
333993333Forming, filling and sealing machinery, bag or pouch(must perform all three func3565333
333993334Wrapping, banding, bundling, fastening, and sleeve wrapping machinery3565334
333993336Case forming, opening, loading, unloading, and sealing machinery3565336
333993337Cartoning, multipacking, and leaflet/coupon placing machinery3565337
333993338Labeling, code marking, and imprinting machinery3565338
333993339Other packaging and bottling machinery3565339
3339934Parts for packaging and bottling machinery35654
333993SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts3565SM
333993MMiscellaneous receipts3565M
333993SSecondary products3565S
333994333994Industrial process furnace & oven mfg3567
333994PPrimary products3567P
3339941Electric industrial furnaces, ovens and kilns, excluding induction35671
33399411Electric furnaces356711
333994111Metal melting3567111
333994118Metal processing and heat treating (such as annealing, hardening, carburizing, etc.)3567118
333994119Other electric furnaces3567119
33399419Electric industrial ovens and kilns, including infrared356719
3339942Fuel-fired industrial furnaces, ovens, and kilns35672
33399421Fuel-fired furnaces including parts and attachments356721
33399429Fuel-fired ovens and kilns including parts and attachments356729
3339944High frequency induction and dielectric heating equipment35674
3339945Electrical heat. equip. for industrial use, n.e.c. (exc. soldering irons) and parts and attach35675
33399455Industrial electric heating units and devices, except heating units for electric furnaces356755
33399459Parts and attach. for ind. furn. and ovens, including electric heating units356759
333994SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts3567SM
333994MMiscellaneous receipts3567M
333994SSecondary products3567S
333995333995Fluid power cylinder & actuator mfg3593
333995PPrimary products3593P
3339954Non-aerospace type hydraulic fluid power cylinders & actuators, linear & rotary35934
3339955Non-aerospace type pneumatic fluid power cylinders & actuators, linear & rotary35935
3339956Aerospace type fluid power cylinders and actuators35936
3339959Parts for hydraulic and pneumatic fluid power cylinders and actuators35939
333995SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts3593SM
333995MMiscellaneous receipts3593M
333995SSecondary products3593S
333996333996Fluid power pump & motor mfg3594
333996PPrimary products3594P
3339963Non-aerospace type reciprocating pumps35943
3339964Non-aerospace type rotary pumps35944
3339965Non-aerospace type fluid power motors35945
3339966Aerospace type fluid power pumps and motors35946
3339969Parts for fluid power pumps and motors35949
333996SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts3594SM
333996MMiscellaneous receipts3594M
333996MMMiscellaneous receipts3594MM
333996SSecondary products3594S
333997333997Scale & balance (except laboratory) mfg3596
333997PPrimary products3596P
3339971Vehicle and industrial scales35961
3339972Retail, commercial, household, and mailing scales35962
3339973Parts, attachments, and accessories for scales and balances35963
333997SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts3596SM
333997MMiscellaneous receipts3596M
333997SSecondary products3596S
333999333999All other miscellaneous general purpose machinery mfg3569
333999PPrimary products3569P
3339993Filters and strainers, except fluid power35693
333999304Filter and strainer assemblies w/ or wo/ filter element installed, for water3569304
333999308Filter and strainer assemblies w/ or wo/ filter element installed, for other flu3569308
333999309Parts and accessories, sold separately3569309
333999311Reusable (cleanable) media filters and strainers, except for fluid power3569311
333999312Nonreusable, including disposable (throw away) filter cartridges3569312
3339999General industrial machinery, n.e.c.35699
333999SMSecondary products and miscellaneous receipts3569SM
333999MMiscellaneous receipts3569M
333999SSecondary products3569S


Last Modified Date: March 04, 2004