HOURLY COMPENSATION COSTS FOR PRODUCTION WORKERS IN MANUFACTURING 33 COUNTRIES OR AREAS 22 MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES, 1992-2005 JAPAN IMPORTANT NOTE: DATA IN THE FOLLOWING TABLES ARE SUBJECT TO LIMITATIONS THAT ARE DESCRIBED IN THE INTRODUCTION. THE INTRODUCTION CAN BE ACCESSED AT: ftp://ftp.bls.gov/pub/special.requests/ForeignLabor/introCountries.txt. General Notes: The measures for total manufacturing were published in news release USDL 06-2020, "International Comparisons of Hourly Compensation Costs for Production Workers in Manufacturing, 2005," November 30, 2006. For some countries, data for total manufacturing have been revised in these tables to reflect revisions subsequent to the news release. The measures for individual manufacturing industries are less reliable than the total manufacturing data because there are more technical limitations associated with them. For more information about limitations, see the Technical Notes. The measures in these tables are shown according to the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) for most NAICS 3-digit level industries; selected additional industry combinations are shown as well. These data as well as data on a U.S. 1987 Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) basis for selected years, 1975-2002, are available at https://www.bls.gov/fls. Note: Hourly compensation costs in national currency for countries that are members of the Euro area (Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, and Spain) are expressed in the national currency used in each country prior to the implementation of the euro for 1992-1998, and in euros for 1999-2005. More information about national currency units and exchange rates used in these tables is on page 6. Notations: .. Data not available. # Break in series. Data are not comparable with data from the previous year. Prepared By: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Office of Productivity And Technology, April 30, 2007. HOURLY COMPENSATION COSTS FOR PRODUCTION WORKERS: IN U.S. DOLLARS PAGE 21 JAPAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INDUSTRY 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MANUFACTURING..................................................................... 16.13 18.86 20.98 23.47 20.44 18.98 17.62 20.44 21.93 19.35 18.60 20.26 21.84 21.76 FOOD, BEVERAGE, AND TOBACCO PRODUCT MANUFACTURING (NAICS 311-312)................. 12.34 14.45 16.15 17.88 15.46 14.02 12.87 14.72 15.67 13.75 13.52 14.90 16.12 16.15 TEXTILES AND TEXTILE PRODUCTS MANUFACTURING (NAICS 313-314)....................... 11.94 13.93 15.67 18.22 16.55 15.54 14.49 16.30 18.10 15.97 15.35 16.05 17.63 16.83 APPAREL MANUFACTURING (NAICS 315)(1).............................................. 8.37 9.42 10.67 12.21 10.57 9.71 8.97 10.93 12.08 10.13 9.98 11.13 11.81 12.11 TEXTILES AND APPAREL MANUFACTURING (NAICS 313-315) (1)............................ 9.81 11.18 12.59 14.52 12.27 11.37 10.52 12.44 13.82 11.84 11.55 12.56 13.50 13.48 LEATHER AND ALLIED PRODUCTS MANUFACTURING (NAICS 316)(2).......................... 11.48 13.89 15.10 16.35 13.61 13.19 12.93 15.30 14.77 12.96 12.77 13.27 14.34 13.54 TEXTILES, APPAREL AND ALLIED PRODUCTS MANUFACTURING (NAICS 313-316)(3)............ 9.91 11.35 12.75 14.63 12.35 11.49 10.68 12.63 13.88 11.92 11.64 12.61 13.56 13.48 WOOD PRODUCT MANUFACTURING (NAICS 321)............................................ 11.99 14.31 16.00 18.11 15.99 14.86 13.70 16.07 17.11 15.03 14.51 15.82 16.59 16.90 PAPER MANUFACTURING (NAICS 322)................................................... 16.21 19.09 21.20 23.63 20.65 19.55 17.87 20.45 21.86 19.83 18.68 19.83 21.61 21.39 PETROLEUM AND COAL PRODUCTS MANUFACTURING (NAICS 324) ............................ 30.20 34.96 38.83 43.27 38.52 36.10 33.68 38.39 39.51 34.47 32.58 35.69 35.97 35.66 CHEMICAL MANUFACTURING (NAICS 325) ............................................... 24.15 28.07 31.06 34.93 30.19 28.17 25.86 29.91 31.98 28.49 28.06 30.70 33.22 32.75 PLASTICS AND RUBBER PRODUCTS MANUFACTURING (NAICS 326)(4)......................... 15.36 18.11 20.23 22.56 19.84 18.81 17.27 19.63 20.66 18.10 17.94 19.41 20.83 20.86 NONMETALLIC MINERAL PRODUCT MANUFACTURING (NAICS 327) (5)......................... 16.06 18.82 21.06 23.26 20.49 19.34 17.95 20.97 22.32 20.02 19.11 20.42 21.60 21.29 PRIMARY METAL MANUFACTURING (NAICS 331) .......................................... 23.35 27.12 29.78 32.38 27.73 25.32 23.41 27.35 29.26 26.01 24.48 26.55 29.58 30.32 FABRICATED METAL PRODUCT MANUFACTURING (NAICS 332) ............................... 16.93 19.93 21.97 23.78 20.53 18.53 17.12 19.83 21.11 18.13 17.08 18.71 20.07 19.90 PRIMARY AND FABRICATED METAL PRODUCTS MANUFACTURING (NAICS 331-332) .............. 19.66 22.96 25.20 27.26 23.40 21.20 19.57 22.71 24.22 21.09 19.84 21.62 23.58 23.73 MACHINERY MANUFACTURING (NAICS 333) (6)........................................... 18.87 21.64 23.78 26.99 23.37 21.60 20.44 23.79 25.16 21.99 20.69 22.88 24.09 24.09 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT, APPLIANCE, AND COMPONENT MANUFACTURING (NAICS 335) (7) ..... 15.33 18.08 20.52 23.50 21.05 19.59 18.55 21.81 23.67 20.86 20.15 21.95 23.75 23.42 TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURING (NAICS 336) ............................... 20.06 23.81 26.29 29.15 25.65 24.05 22.35 25.76 27.06 24.07 23.39 25.33 27.05 26.84 MOTOR VEHICLE AND PARTS MANUFACTURING (NAICS 3361-3363) (8)....................... 19.67 23.54 25.91 28.69 25.42 24.00 22.55 26.06 27.61 24.75 24.22 26.55 27.38 27.12 FURNITURE AND RELATED PRODUCT MANUFACTURING (NAICS 337)........................... 13.45 15.83 17.07 19.35 16.50 15.51 14.31 16.48 17.10 14.50 14.26 15.23 16.31 16.17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (1) Excludes leather and fur gloves and mittens. (2) Excludes rubber and plastic footwear. Includes leather and fur gloves and mittens. (3) Excludes rubber and plastic footwear. (4) Includes rubber and plastic footwear. (5) Includes carbon and graphite products. (6) Excludes optical equipment and lens manufacturing. (7) Includes electronic medical equipment and electronic measuring instruments. Includes video recording and duplicating equipment. (8) Includes motorcycles. SOURCE: U.S. BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS, April 2007 HOURLY COMPENSATION COSTS FOR PRODUCTION WORKERS: IN NATIONAL CURRENCY PAGE 22 JAPAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INDUSTRY 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MANUFACTURING..................................................................... 2046 2095 2144 2205 2224 2299 2308 2324 2364 2353 2329 2348 2363 2395 FOOD, BEVERAGE, AND TOBACCO PRODUCT MANUFACTURING (NAICS 311-312)................. 1565 1606 1651 1680 1682 1698 1686 1674 1690 1673 1693 1727 1744 1779 TEXTILES AND TEXTILE PRODUCTS MANUFACTURING (NAICS 313-314)....................... 1515 1547 1602 1712 1800 1882 1898 1853 1951 1941 1922 1861 1908 1853 APPAREL MANUFACTURING (NAICS 315)(1).............................................. 1061 1046 1090 1147 1150 1176 1175 1243 1302 1232 1250 1290 1278 1333 TEXTILES AND APPAREL MANUFACTURING (NAICS 313-315)(1)............................. 1244 1242 1287 1364 1335 1376 1378 1415 1490 1440 1447 1455 1460 1484 LEATHER AND ALLIED PRODUCTS MANUFACTURING (NAICS 316)(2).......................... 1455 1543 1543 1536 1481 1597 1693 1740 1592 1576 1600 1538 1551 1491 TEXTILES, APPAREL AND ALLIED PRODUCTS MANUFACTURING (NAICS 313-316)(3)............ 1257 1261 1303 1375 1344 1391 1399 1436 1496 1449 1458 1461 1467 1485 WOOD PRODUCT MANUFACTURING (NAICS 321)............................................ 1520 1589 1636 1702 1739 1800 1795 1827 1844 1828 1817 1833 1796 1860 PAPER MANUFACTURING (NAICS 322)................................................... 2055 2121 2167 2220 2246 2368 2340 2325 2356 2411 2339 2299 2338 2355 PETROLEUM AND COAL PRODUCTS MANUFACTURING (NAICS 324) ............................ 3829 3884 3969 4066 4191 4371 4412 4365 4259 4192 4080 4136 3892 3926 CHEMICAL MANUFACTURING (NAICS 325) ............................................... 3062 3118 3174 3282 3285 3412 3387 3401 3448 3464 3513 3558 3594 3606 PLASTICS AND RUBBER PRODUCTS MANUFACTURING (NAICS 326)(4)......................... 1948 2012 2068 2119 2158 2278 2263 2232 2228 2201 2247 2250 2253 2297 NONMETALLIC MINERAL PRODUCT MANUFACTURING (NAICS 327) (5)......................... 2036 2091 2153 2186 2229 2342 2351 2385 2406 2435 2393 2366 2337 2344 PRIMARY METAL MANUFACTURING (NAICS 331) .......................................... 2960 3013 3044 3042 3017 3066 3067 3110 3154 3163 3066 3077 3201 3338 FABRICATED METAL PRODUCT MANUFACTURING (NAICS 332) ............................... 2147 2215 2245 2235 2234 2243 2242 2255 2276 2204 2139 2168 2172 2191 PRIMARY AND FABRICATED METAL PRODUCTS MANUFACTURING (NAICS 331-332) .............. 2493 2550 2575 2561 2546 2568 2564 2582 2611 2564 2484 2506 2552 2613 MACHINERY MANUFACTURING (NAICS 333) (6)........................................... 2392 2404 2430 2536 2542 2616 2677 2704 2713 2674 2591 2652 2606 2653 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT, APPLIANCE, AND COMPONENT MANUFACTURING (NAICS 335) (7) ..... 1944 2009 2097 2208 2290 2372 2430 2479 2552 2536 2523 2544 2570 2578 TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURING (NAICS 336) ............................... 2544 2645 2687 2739 2791 2912 2928 2929 2917 2927 2928 2936 2927 2955 MOTOR VEHICLE AND PARTS MANUFACTURING (NAICS 3361-3363) (8)....................... 2494 2615 2649 2696 2766 2907 2954 2963 2976 3010 3033 3077 2962 2986 FURNITURE AND RELATED PRODUCT MANUFACTURING (NAICS 337)........................... 1706 1759 1745 1818 1795 1878 1875 1874 1844 1763 1786 1765 1765 1780 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (1) Excludes leather and fur gloves and mittens. (2) Excludes rubber and plastic footwear. Includes leather and fur gloves and mittens. (3) Excludes rubber and plastic footwear. (4) Includes rubber and plastic footwear. (5) Includes carbon and graphite products. (6) Excludes optical equipment and lens manufacturing. (7) Includes electronic medical equipment and electronic measuring instruments. Includes video recording and duplicating equipment. (8) Includes motorcycles. SOURCE: U.S. BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS, April 2007